
Need 700 Lakh Crore to achieve net zero emission

India is one of the countries where the growth of the petro -chemical industry is rapid. The production of CFCs and plastic waste is proportionately rapid. The release of the CFCs at this level is going to pose a huge problem to India which is already caught in the teeth of pollution.

Annually, the country produces 9.46 mega tons of plastic waste. Out of it, 40 per cent of the waste cannot be collected. It settles on land or rivers or sea uncollected. 50 per cent of the waste comprises material used in packaging. The phenomenon is more or less the same worldwide. Many countries have come forward to reduce the emission of CFCs into the atmosphere.

They plan to achieve a net zero emission state by 2070. India also figured among these countries. The country became the fourth largest polluter. To reduce plastic waste, use of non-conventional energy should increase. The Delhi-based Council for Energy, Environment and Water Research predicts that at least Rs 700 lakh crore is necessary to achieve the state of net zero emission in the next 50 years.

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