Categories: Celebrity Homes

My Home must accommodate my mother’s desires first!

Seerat Kapoor Exclusive
Interview with RealEstateGuru

If budget weren’t a concern, what would Dil Raju’s upcoming heroine include in her dream home? We have gathered ideas from actress Seerat Kapoor to provide a little inspiration for her fantasies. She answered, “I am a very ambitious sort of a girl, tell me about an adventure and I’ll be all set to take over on that voyage. Having a passion for well-liked pieces and gorgeous antiques that will turn my home beautiful is something that we can look out for. I remember living in the society premises, all my time used to go in playing with childhood friends. My mother used to work for Air India, most of our neighbours were crew members. Led such a diversified lifestyle—dont even let me start talking about it. I am still in touch with all my friends, they are so innocent and caring. There wasn’t a chance for me to forget them no matter where I am across the country.“

Soaring ceilings, plenty of gorgeous cabinetry, colourful walls are just a few standout features to fulfill someone’s fantasy. Is this also the actress’ fantasy too? Let’s find out, “My dream home will have a lot of antique pieces of furniture, that’s my inspiration while growing up. Art, since childhood has always attracted me. At the same time, I am a youngster with a youthful taste so you can call me a mix of two worlds. I would love to unwind a Korean space in my dream home! Most importantly, more than the interiors, energies matter for me.

These energies translate into my work and growth in life particularly. I am very cautious about all these things.” She also added a very interesting notion about describing her dream home, which was, “A lot of people can do wonders with interiors but if the foundation and structure of the house is spectacular, then you get a double whammy! I am very inspired by Architect Geoffrey Bawa’s styles. His vision of infusing the outdoors with the indoors establishes empathy with nature and his signature designs create a symphony of fluid and flowy ambiences. The architecture of the house is equally important and for his sensibilities, I am an ardent fan.”

Apart from durable furniture, a large vintage piece would be this entertainer’s dream. And, what else? “Forget about the type of infrastructure—the idea is to have my mother around. I lost my father at a very early stage, more than my dream abode. I want it to be her comfortable, luxurious space where she can create cherishable memories with me. I want her to feel the same entourage of a star, she deserves this after a fulfilling retirement. A home absolutely to herself is what I want for her, where she doesn’t even have to experience an ounce of stress. She had been an independent woman raising both the kids and we are in creative fields, she sacrificed a lot. My dream home should accommodate my mother’s desires first! Even if it’s a one bhk, she’ll be very happy but i am eager to give her more than that. Hope I can afford a villa in Mumbai nagariya and sustain. I don’t hold a binary vision, I see life in all colours. My dream home will most certainly also make room for those funky- free spirited corners.”

Her dream home will not be just a flight of fancy without anything fancy. She suggests, “Beaches, water-lopsided areas are so pleasantly attractive. Open sky surrounded by gigantic trees would be so good to live around & build a meaningful life. An open space equally soothes your peace of mind too than a cluttered one!” She would love to opt for the most quiet and cozy corner in her villa to spend most of her time when not shooting—though she desires massive rooms but it’s certainly a fact that you’ll find Seerat in a cozy corner wrapped like a caterpillar. Moreover, “Having an extended lawn is a luxury in Bombay. And, I do believe in vastu too.

I won’t rearrange the whole dynamics under the garb of it, nevertheless it does hold some importance in building a home of your own. Having a pool won’t do any harm either, I am a water baby.“ Beautiful, timeless and easy to recreate seems to be like Seerat’s go-to design and, “The one really desirable and needful fact for me to build a dream home is to design it myself. I’ll give it that unique, individualistic touch. The sensibilities seen via art while growing up, will accommodate those elements. My culture should reflect, i have the expenses to hire anyone yet I’ll go DIY. A house is that private space that emits your energy! Soft lighting, sheer curtains describe me.”

She further says, “All my t-town friends have done their homes so beautifully back in Hyderabad. No compromised space! Although, whenever I return to my dad’s home—feels so connected. I had discussed all of this before also with my tolly friends. A fantastic sea-view draped with trees is the way to go for all of us.” Protecting your most sacred space and self preservation is equally important for Seerat Kapoor, that sounds like her home for sure.

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