
LRS deadline approaching: Steps to complete online registration

  • Applicants facing difficulties

The Telangana government has issued guidelines for the LRS 2020 scheme and launched a dedicated website for the public. The LRS process offers two methods for applicants to complete their applications. However, many applicants are facing issues with the LRS website. In some cases, technical problems are hindering the process. So, what should applicants do when facing issues with the LRS website? How exactly does the website function? How should the public use the LRS website effectively? Here’s a special report from Real Estate Guru providing answers to these questions.

The Telangana government’s prestigious Layout Regularisation Scheme (LRS) is progressing slowly. While officials had promised that online applications would be processed without any issues, several technical problems are being encountered. However, the authorities have not come forward to address these issues. Only data related to the LRS application is available online. As a result, applicants are expressing concerns, not knowing how to resolve the problems they are facing during the process.

How to check the application status?

First, visit the website Once you go to the homepage, you will see “Officers Login” and “Citizen Login” options.

Click on “Create Citizen Login.” Enter your LRS application details along with the mobile number provided, and validate the OTP.
Once the OTP is validated, the current status of your LRS application will be displayed. If you click on “View Status,” you will see information about where your application is, which department it is with, and which officer is holding it.
The status will show “Pending at L1 Officer.” L1 Officer means that the application is pending at the lower-level officer in the Town Planning department of the respective Municipality or Corporation.

How to know the LRS fee?

On the website, the LRS fee will be displayed as “Integrated.” The fee information related to your application will be visible online. At that point, you need to click on “Proceed to Pay.”
Once you click on “Proceed to Pay,” the system will display the amount to be paid for the LRS application.

As per the government guidelines, the regularisation charges are being collected based on the market value that was applicable when the application was made in 2020. Additionally, a 14% open space charge also needs to be paid.
What happens if the LRS is paid by March 31?

Authorities mention that if the LRS charges and open space charges are paid by March 31, a 25% discount will be given on the total amount. After completing the entire LRS process, the final charges to be paid will be displayed online. Once the payment is made online, a receipt will be generated. This receipt should be kept carefully.

Based on this receipt, the Town Planning authorities will visit the respective plot within a week to ten days to verify it personally. Once the authorities confirm that the property complies with government regulations, they will provide the LRS proceedings form, signifying that the LRS process has been completed.

LRS payment through the Registration Department

The government has provided an option to register plots that were previously unregistered, where 10% of the layout has been registered and the remaining 90% has not. However, in this process, the plot must be registered along with the LRS payment. This means that if we are buying a plot from someone who has developed the layout, we need to follow this process as well.

To do this, you need to visit the Stamps & Registration website at Once the website is opened, click on the Pre-registration LRS option. The Schedule of Property will be displayed. In the Schedule of Property, you need to enter the complete details of the site, such as the location and survey number, as provided on the website.

After entering property details, the Registration Department will automatically display the registration value of the plot along with its market value. The details regarding the fees to be paid to the government will also be shown.

Next, you need to enter the details of the seller in the Seller Details section. You must also provide any identification card details of the seller. The buyer’s details should be entered in the Buyer Details section. Once the buyer and seller details are entered, the Stamps & Registration Department website will automatically display the information about how much LRS fee should be paid for the plot.

However, this process will be completed only if both the plot registration and LRS payment are done together.

Regarding the LRS fee, after entering the property details, the total amount to be paid is displayed, which includes both the registration fee and the LRS fee. Once the online payment is made, an automatic receipt is generated. Afterward, you need to visit the registration office along with the receipt and the document to complete the plot registration process.

In this way, the Telangana government is offering two methods to complete the LRS process online. However, during this process, several issues and challenges are arising. Specifically, for different applicants with different requests under the same survey number in a layout, varying LRS fees are being displayed. The town planning authorities and the registration department staff are unable to explain the reasons behind this. As a result, LRS applicants are expressing concern.

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