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Develop Kokapet – Shaikpet Road Under SRDP or as a SLIP

  • Develop the road as the fifth radial road
  • Development of the road proposed 20 years ago
  • Land acquisition is not needed
  • No need to issue TDRs
  • Development of the road is facile
  • Lakhs would be saved from the traffic hell
  • Pressure on Kokapet-Mehdipatnam road will ease

The officials are dithering on developing the Kokapet-Shaikpet road via Manikonda, which figured in the master plan since 2001 to develop it into a 120-feet road. Development of the road would ease traffic congestion on the Kokapet-Khajaguda-Mehdipatnam road to a great extent. In fact, the government need not acquire land nor issue TDRs to develop the road. The crucial road is not being developed either as a slip road or under the SRDP. What is the reason for the sorry-state-of affairs? How long the people should face the traffic snarls?

Contrary to the tall claims being made by government on development of ORR, it should once try to assess the volume of traffic plying on Nanakramguda cross roads to Narsingi junction especially in the evenings. Then it would be able to know how hellish it would be travel on this stretch of road. This road is full of traffic day in and day out. The GHMC officials are developing flyovers only after it was too late, but not developing alternative roads thinking wisely to ease the traffic congestion, according to criticism.

The officials, predicting the population explosion, way back in 2001 proposed to develop Kokapet (Narsingi) to Shaikpet road via Manikonda pipeline area into a 120-feet road and included the development of the road in the city master plan too. Later, they proposed to develop a No. 5 radial road linking the road to the ORR. Surprisingly, the four-lane road development works did not get off so far. Developing the six-km-long this road would ease traffic pressure on the Old Mumbai Highway. Those who want to travel to the Financial District at Gachibowli would be able to use this road. This road would be highly useful to the locals whether to travel to Shamshabad or to Jubilee Hills. But development of this strategic road did not get priority either in the SRDP or development of slip roads. Daily thousands of vehicles commute on this road making the commuters experience the hell. Yet, the GHMC officials are not inclined to develop the road, rues former MPTC of Manikonda Ramakrishna Reddy.

Why the road development is neglected?

On the proposed road for development under the master plan, there was a water feeder channel, built in the erstwhile Nizam’s period. Currently, it has become useless. Moreover, dirt has been accumulated in it. The authorities are spending crores of rupees to beautify the area, wasting the public money. Moreover, it was fenced and saplings have been planted. But, the locals have been disposing of the garbage in the area. The place is being frequented by stray cattle and pigs. The feeder channel is being encroached, alleges all residential colonies welfare association president Sitaramaraju.

He is appealing to the authorities to develop the road on the way they developed slip roads. The 200-300-meter long feeder channel has become useless. Moreover, dirt is getting deposited there. It was high-time the officials realised the ground realities and remove the useless feeder channel and develop the road proposed in the master plan as a 120-feet road. The road at some places is 60-feet wide and at some other places it is 50-feet wide. Removing the feeder channel would lead to joining of the existing road with the 30-feet road, developed during Nizam period, beyond the feeder channel. Thus, the width could reach up to 100 feet.

Explaining this, local resident Govardhan Reddy insists that the government take quick decision on the issue. Otherwise, their problems would continue further. Some of the locals are running small shops under the feeder channel. If the channel were to collapse, it would endanger their lives. That is why, the locals demand the GHMC to take steps to remove the feeder channel and develop the road. On either side there is adequate government land. Therefore, removal of the feeder channel would lead to additional of 10-20 feet additionally. That is why they appeal again and again to develop the road.