Common Man Can’t buy plots!

It is an incomprehensible situation to rejoice at the unprecedented popularity of the auctions conducted by HMDA. Till yesterday in the surrounding areas of Turkayamjal, the yard cost used to be around Rs. 30 thousand. But, now suddenly increased to Rs. 62,500. The credit goes to HMDA. In 2014, the yard price was around ten thousand in the area. As such, it has reached sixty thousand in the last eight years. There is no significant progress in infrastructure growth in this area. Now the realtors will start quoting base price as Rs.60K in this area.

Some bidders bought the plot in Bahadurpally for Rs. 42,000. There are reports that some realtors and promoters have bought the property at a high rate with the intention of increasing the rates in this area. Until yesterday, the price of yard was around Rs.25K, now it has reached 42000. So, now realtors will try to sell the plots here for minimum 40K.
On the whole, the middle class public is of the opinion that HMDA is responsible for keeping the plots away from the common people in Hyderabad. Instead of auctioning the plots in this auction.. a standard price should be fixed and allocate the plots in a lottery. Only then common people can easily buy plots and build houses.

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